A pair of embroidered wedding signs alliance weapon manufactured by Catherine Rost. This kind of coats of arms was made as a wedding gift. The left coat of arm is from the man the right is the ladies one. Both arms are covered by a fine helmet cloth, from wich the symbols from the man's weapon provides the crowning, here a lamb, a sheep and a the head of a cock. Below the weapons a ribbon and on which the family name appears. In the middle year of the wedding (1686 and 1693). On one board, the names Luyken and Malt Shovel for covering Geertruyd Malt Shovel, born in Alkmaar in 1661, and Daniel Luyken (Amsterdam 1659-1741 The Hague). Daniel Luyken was a lawyer at the Court of Holland. Some sources say that Geertruyd died in 1775, but that seems impossible, since she would have become 114 years old and therefore probably the oldest citizen of Holland. Other sources mention that she remarried a certain Abraham Douglas in The Hague, which was the agent of the King of Prussia. Geertruyd was the daughter of Gerrit Malt Shovel and Elisabeth Stamhorst. She died in 1755 in The Hague. The name Stamhorst also occurs on other wedding board in combination with Elisabeth van Stamhorst. Probably this is Meijndert Rost and Elisabeth Stam Horst, the date on this board is 1693. It is not known exactly when they got married. Probably Catherine Rost, the embroiderer, a relative or a daughter.
Both embroidery are made of multicolored floss so-called radical stitch on dark gray and dirty white satin, and stretched on an oak panel. The embroidery are still in their seventeenth century original lists, which can be called unique. The sizes of the embroidery are 36cm. x 28cm.
On the back of the lists is a label with the text: Lent from Jhr. A.M.Th. of Suchtelen of Haare, January 8, 1934.
Ex collection: J. A. Hesterman (painter and restorer).
In the seventeenth century embroidery was a craft a craft, always exerted by men. Only a few names of women are known as Anna Maria van Schurman and sisters Roemer Visscher, all intellectual and artistic ladies from the highest circles. Catherine Rost is so far unknown, but given the quality she was certainly more than a well-intentioned amateur, like many women from wealthy families. Embroidery was in the seventeenth century an important status symbol and very costly given the time-consuming work. The the profession of brodery can be compared on artistic level with that of the painter. Embroiders and painters were therefore in the same guild of "constenaren" from St. Luke. The embroiderer 'painted' with the needle.
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